music video question

How do the lyrics of Letter to the Free reflect the cultural, social and political context of the time?
The lyrics of letter to the free reflect cultural, social and political context of the time by using references of things that has happened in the past. they do this by using things in the past to show that they were never free and all they want is freedom from the things that make them criminals. they do this by using references to books such as maya angelou's  i know why the caged bird sings and Jim crow's 13th amendment. "For now we know, the new Jim Crow".  they also speak about the hangings that happened in the 1800s this was due to them trying to run away as well as saying the America like to only see the good about the country and not the bad situations that happen."For America to rise it's matter of Black Lives And we gonna free them, so we can free us"  this shows that even though they may be free from prison does not mean they are still seen as the criminals people believe.
How does this work present the artist?
(Refer to Cultivation Theory and Reception Theory.)

How does this differ from Billie Jean?


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