The Killing Analysis


  • In the killing they use a range of fast and slow jump cuts to show that the girl is taking a breath from running while the credits are being shown. This can show the luring of false security for the girl as we can see that she may not be able to escape. This can show that she will always be afraid no matter what happens as she is hoping for safety but may not achieve it due to how quickly the cuts are between the credits.


  • In the killing we hear diegetic and non-diegetic sound throughout the first two minutes of the pilot episode. We can link this to Strauss' theory of Binary Opposition as we hear the sound of the girl that is running away with her footsteps as well as her in the water where as we don't hear anything when we look at the killer as he is trying to catch her up without her knowing how close he is to her.


  • In the killing we see the use of dark lighting throughout the pilot episode. We can see that the killer has a flashlight where as the girl doesn't. This shows that the killer has more power over the girl and what happens to her than the girl. We can also see this when a plane flies over where the girl is hiding as it can either make the girl scared that their is a light their as the killer may be able to find her but it could also be a sense of hope as she now knows that she is by somewhere that she can get help if she goes the right way. We can use butler's theory that gender is performative as the girl has no way to help herself out of the situation where as the killer has a flashlight that will help him find her and kill her.


  • In the killing we can see that when the girl is hiding from the killer that she has a high angle and that she is getting looked down upon. Whereas the killer has a low angle which means that they are getting looked up upon. This can show that the killer has more power over the girl that the girl has over the killer. this shows that she may not be able to escape from the killer as he knows around the woods and will find her. This can link to mulvey's theory of women look at themselves through the eyes of men. this can show that to the killer she looks vulnerable and not safe as the killer knows that with what she is wearing it can also show that she wouldn't run in the forest with just a white gown on and not look vulnerable.  


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