Narrative codes appropriate to genre


 "Genre is instances of repetition and difference"
  • One example of this theory in the killing is that they used a flashback to show what happens to the girl before anyone found out that she was missing.
  • Another example of this theory in the killing is that they used a detective however it was not a male detective it was a female detective and they show that the other male detective was not as smart as she was when she figured out that she was in the watery.


"The 5 stages of Equilibrium"
1. equilibrium 
2. A disruption of that equilibrium
3. A recognition that the disruption
4. An attempt to repair the damage 
5.  new equilibrium
  • One example of this theory in the killing is when their was recognition of the the girl being killed and they will try to repair the damage by finding who killed her and stop them.
  • Another example of this theory in the killing is the equilibrium of a happy family and they had everything going the right direction until she went missing.


 "Binary Opposition"
  • One example of this theory in the killing is when we have many close up shots of the detective Sarah and we know all about her daily life. whereas we never get any close up shots of the killer which shows that he wants to be kept a secret.
  • Another example of this theory in the killing is when they do personal life vs professional life. we see this as we look at Sarah's life and how she is going to move to Sweden. however, we also see what she does in her professional life and how she is very close with the people that she works with.


"Trill comes from prolonging the inevitable"
  • we can see this theory in the killing when they stop the first episode when the pedants find out that their child is dead so it prologes the adventure id they find the kller or not. 


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