Camera Shots, Angles and Movement
Shot Types
Crash Zoom
- adds excitement
- used for comedy
- sudden zoom
- dynamic
Dolly Zoom (2:00)
- creates an unsettling sense of the world of the character/ film warping/shifting
Slow Zoom(in/out)
- creates tension
- draws audiences attention to...
- reveals setting
- reveals relationship
Aerial Shot
- over head shot
- used as an establishing shot
Close Up
- head and shoulders shot often used to show emotions of a character.
- shot of an object or a character zoned in to shoe detail
Extreme Close Up
- a shot where the face, or body or even an object fils the whole frame
Establishing Shot
- establishes location/setting
Medium Shot
- framing from the waist up
Two Shot
- two people in frame
POV Shot
- point of view
- creates a sense of empathy with the character
- brings the audience into the action
Over the Shoulder Shot
- looking from a characters shoulder at a subject
Overhead Shot
- a type of camera shot where the camera is above the character,action or object
Reaction Shot
- a shot shows the reaction of a character
- either to another character or object or location
Camera Angles
Camera angle
The position of the camera in relation to the subject of a shot. The camera might be at a high angle, a low angle or appear at eye level with what is being filmed.
High Angle
- connotes vulnerability
- low status
Low Angle
- camera looks down at the subject or character
- make then look small and venerable
Canted Framing (or oblique)
- camera angle that is tilted
Camera Movement
- the camera pivots horizontally, either from left to right of vice versa
- used to reveal setting
- a shot where the camera follows a subject/object
- its smooth and steady
- a crane shot is sometimes used to signify the end of a scene/film
- The effect is achieved by the camera being put onto a crane that can move
- is a establishing mount for a camera which mechanically isolates the operator's movement from the camera
- a very smmoth shot when operator is moving quicklyover an uneven surface
- where the camera scans the setting vertically.
- to appear to be moving closer or further away from a subject/object when in fact the camera may not move.
- can be used for dramatic effect
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