Yr13 coursework questions

  1. What is unique about this show?
    It talks about a subject that other T.V shows would not want to talk about in a family setting.
  2. How does it target a family audience?
    It helps families understand that many children go through abuse form their parents and that it may happen to the kids that your are friends with.
  3. How will you show sophistication in sound?
    The sounds of the parents arguing and people chatting about the child shows the build-up of the girl’s emotions and how at the end she can’t take it anymore.
  4. How will you show sophistication in editing?
    The editing cuts will be quicker throughout the trailer to show that the emotions and abuse is building up so much until it is a long shot of the girl leaving the home and running away.
  5. How will you show sophistication in cinematography?
    I will be using a variety of long establishing shots as well as childhood footage that shows that it never happens when the camera is on or when they are out in public but behind the doors a lot of abuse and arguing goes on.
  6. How will you show sophistication in Mise en Scene?
    The girls clothes when she is in the house will be dark and mysterious but when she is in the childhood videos it is colourful and happy to show the difference between what on camera and what happen at home.

7.)  How will the font and animation of your titles reflect the style of the character?

the font will be a bit battered such as the Mistral font to look like the girl has written it as she is telling her story and how she got away but shows that running away is not the answer and that telling someone like a charity organisation will help you in the long run of your life.



If you are going for a higher level mark you MUST answer these...

8.) Stronger candidates have intertextual references… what will yours be?

My intertextual references are real life experiences in some crime documentaries, as well as some criminal minds related shots of the victims that are trapped and want to be free.

9.) Stronger candidates subvert stereotypes… how will you do this?
Usual trailers about this subject just state facts and make it like a criminal case whereas I will have it so you feel like you are the girl and understand her pain with the way that the editing and cinematography is being used.

10.)Stronger candidates create a direct appeal to target audiences… how are you doing this? 

By using a girl that may be a similar age as their own child it may help them understand that someone of their similar age could be going through the same thing right now or their child could be experiencing this with someone else so it makes you aware that it is common and you can help them.

11.) Stronger candidates communicate a clear point of view and ideological message appropriate to the ‘industrial context’ how do you do this?

I will put charity name as well as numbers that can help people that are feeling the same as the girl in the trailer. I can also use the text between to help people understand how she’s feeling so they can see the emotions of her.


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