Definition-The term Intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text. In other words Intertextualityessentially means for a type of media(film,television,music etc) to pay homage to another media text.
Examples of this is:

This example is from Ariana grande's music video thank you, next. this scene is from the movie legally blonde.
Mis en scene
they both have the towel and the fluffy coat as well as a book. they also have a similar dog that are wearing similar outfits. the only difference is the colour of the items are red in the real version and pink in the music video.
they both used the same frame with the one person shot in both the music video and the movie. however, the music video has a smaller crop than the movie.
this would be beneficial as the people who liked legally blonde would look at the music video and relate and understand what is happening.
Another example is:

This example is from the live performance of Queen and the movie called Bohemian Rhapsody.
Mis en scene
they are both wearing the same top and the arm band. they also
have the same hair style and mustashe. This is very good as it shows the similarities that the film wanted to recreate from the live performances that queen did.
The only difference is the background and the camera angle. It shows good intertextuality as it shows the similarities in the gesture and the pose its self.
this would be beneficial as people who like queens work would appreciate the
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