The Killing Picture Analysis

From this image you can see that the killer has a flashlight. We can use cinematography to show that the killer has power as he is the only one with the light. This shows that the girl is very weak and powerless as she has no flashlight and is wearing little to no clothing. This shows that the trailer is trying to show us that she is alone and is in danger.

From this image we can see that the girl is scared and defenseless. We can see this by mise en scene and also lighting and editing. We can see that she has no lighting which means that she has no power over the killer. We can also see that she is wearing little to no clothing and has nothing with her. This shows that she is very fragile and looks like she is very unprotected in this situation.

From this image you can see that the girl is scared of the light. this is because she knows that the killer will be able to see her and take her back to the car. we can see that the girl nanna has no power as she is afraid that she might not be able to escape from her capture. we can also see that she is still near help if she runs for a bit longer than she might get to safety. we hope that she gets to safety so we can

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